
Thursday, July 06, 2006

hmmm..now, i can feel the pressure of being a nursing student.. haii..aside from the other co-curricular activities that we are going to have and encounter, hmm.. i can say that this career is really a tough one. Aside from that, i also feel pressured of the people around me when the topic is all about love. From what one of my friends told me.."cez, haba ng hair huh..muLtiple choice ang pagpi2lian..u have to choose nah".. arrghh.. but I CAN'T..! I feel that everyone of them is all the same. I don't feel that they are serious enough to love and be loved. I don't want to have a traumatic experience when it comes to heart matters.. When can I say that a person will love me truly? and how can I trust them of my heart?! It's maybe confusing for me because up to now, i still don't know the answer why break-ups just come along in a relationship, especially when they are committed for a long time, like for instance a year or years..

I just maybe have to believe in magic. As what the song says.."Got to believe in magic..Tell me how to people find each other...In a world that's full of strangers.."

Is it my fault of not trusting anyone of my heart?.. I once gave my trust to a person but he destroyed it without maybe knowing that he did. I thought he is different from other guys or man that I've met, but no..I was wrong! I just hope & wish that someday, I'll find the right one.. the man who is not a chickboy or playboy. The one who will let me love myself first before loving him and the one who will not take me for granted..

--->>> *cez* <<<---